State of Florida Department of Health License - MA68764

Benefits of Yoga
For any age group, body type, weight, or physical limitations
Increases flexibility and overall body strength
Increases lubrication to the joints, ligaments, and tendons
Massages all organs of the body
Completes detoxification
Excellent for toning muscles
Decreases stress from breathing and meditative poses
Yoga classes: Strength, Energy, Couples, Elderly, Children, and Balance

Common Misconceptions about Yoga:
I’m Not Flexible Enough to Do Yoga
Saying you are not flexible enough to try yoga is like saying you are too dirty to take a bath. Basically, through yoga we gain more flexibility, just as through taking a bath that we become clean. Unfortunately, a lack of flexibility is still one of the most commonly used excuses to avoid beginning the practice of yoga. Inflexibility is also a state of mind that yoga addresses.
The Inflexible Mind
Avoiding things is always easy because we have created a belief system as an excuse. Assumed lack of physical flexibility seems like a good excuse not to do yoga. Some people who use this excuse may have other reasons they are not interested in yoga, but they use the excuse because it’s convenient. For those who really are worried that they are not flexible enough, have a misunderstanding of the purpose of yoga. Looking at the possibilities of what yoga offers with an open, more flexible mind might bring everyone to the yoga mat.
The Challenge of Too Much Flexibility
In reality, naturally flexible people need to be more careful and aware than the rest of us when they practice yoga. Though they move more easily into many of the poses, they are at a higher risk of over-flexing joints, causing short-term injury or long-term damage to tendons and ligaments. The person with a flexible body type should move with greater awareness and work to improve the other areas of their practice. Less flexible people, while they may have a harder time attaining the final version of some poses, are less likely to strain or injure their joints because they are more likely not to push themselves beyond their capability. And, eventually, they become a bit more flexible over time.
Flexibility is Only Part of the Equation
Several physical traits and abilities are equally as important as flexibility in the practice of yoga. These include strength, stamina, and balance. Through the physical actions of yoga, muscular strength increases. Most yoga poses focus on the muscular actions needed to align the body and maintain the asana or body posture, as well as repeating them, which increases one's stamina in the art of yoga. Balance is an important component. Like flexibility, good balance is not required in the beginning but this surely improves with practice.
All four of these components are of equal value in yoga. Some of us are naturally strong, but not flexible, or vice versa. We should not let our perceived lack of ability in any one area keep us away from yoga. Through the ongoing practice of yoga, we improve in all four areas. The next time someone says they are not flexible enough for yoga, share your experience that flexibility is only one part of yoga. Lack of flexibility is all the more reason to try yoga.

Benefits of Myofascial Release Yoga
This is a unique self-treatment technique that follows the principles of Myofascial Release (MFR). It results in permanent lengthening of the body's connective tissue and can dramatically improve one's health and quality of life. It is recommended for those with chronic pain, muscular tightness, and/or postural dysfunction. Clinicians give their patients MFR home exercise programs and benefit anyone with pain or tightness. It can also eliminate many aches and pains that you were told are part of the "normal" aging process and you just need to live with. Both MFR and yoga have a whole-body approach when treating the individual. Yoga is a wonderful complement to Myofascial Release by helping the patient to identify and address both physical and mental restrictions and/or limitations. In both, we are taught to turn our focus inward and help tune into our deeper self so that we may connect with our true nature. As we make this connection, our awareness increases and we begin to feel and live at higher levels of consciousness. This is where real change and authentic healing occur.

Private Yoga Sessions
Working one-on-one with a yoga teacher allows sessions to be modified safely to fit a person’s fitness level and healthcare goals while still challenging to their abilities.
If you are new to yoga, private sessions are helpful to build a strong and safe foundation on which to grow confidence in your yoga practice.
Private sessions for patients who have had an injury or surgery and may might not be ready to return to a group setting. Working directly with a teacher helps guide and restore movement and strength in a safe manner because the instructor makes appropriate modifications and pertinent feedback, whereas a group setting is typically larger and with less personal interaction.

DISCLAIMER: Yoga is not a substitute for medical care. Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should consult with the appropriate health practitioner in case of any medical condition.