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What are Chakras?

The word chakra has Hindu (Sanskrit) roots and means wheel or disk. All living creatures have chakras. These energy vortexes are the channels through which energy flows. Chakras are considered as entry gates of the aura (our personal energy field that surrounds us.) They are energy centers that receive, assimilate, and express life force energy. They are responsible for the person's physical, mental, and spiritual functions.

How do you know if your chakras are out of balance?

If you are out of balance, you will know it immediately! Your clues will be that you feel awful, depressed, or that something is not quite right. What makes it sad is that most people don’t know why they feel this way. It can start with an empty feeling, sometimes in the heart or the stomach. And if the “emptiness” is not addressed,that feeling spreads throughout the body. There may be days you feel like you can’t get out of bed. After a long time of not knowing what it is, in some cases, a tangible illness can develop, such as a cold (thought to react from confusion in one's life) or cancer (something eating at you over a long time).

What Happens to Chakras?

They get blocked with negative energies! It usually starts with how aware you are of your life style. Are you living a balanced life? Are you stressed out of your mind? Are you over-scheduled? Do you take time to breathe deeply or do you inhale and exhale quickly and shallowly like a dying fish? Are your worries overwhelming you? Get the picture?

When a chakra becomes blocked, damaged, or muddied with residual energy, then our physical and emotional health is usually affected. Also, your mood announces your energy level. For example, when you are in a bad mood, people closest to you may recognize there is a difference and might ask if you are all right, or they may avoid you because they want to stay out of harm's way.

What Does a Balanced Chakra Feel Like?

You feel calm, peaceful, anxiety-free, and balanced where you can handle stressful situations pretty well. When energy is positive, energy will flow evenly with ease from the top of your head to your feet. We can achieve balanced chakras with practice, awareness, and education on how to recognize changes and rectify them with simple techniques.

How Can Chakras Become Open?

If chakras are opened and moving, energy runs from the top of our heads to our sacral chakra and up again (in a circle). If one of the chakras becomes blocked, energy cannot move through it and all other chakras become affected and deprived. In time, with lack of energy, the chakra becomes weaker and illness and disease set in eventually. When we start to feel “off,” the first thing we must do is to check in with with a mental body scan to evaluate where the discomfort lies. Start becoming conscious of how you feel, but mostly important don’t ignore how you feel. Opening chakras is helped by facing circumstances to understand how and why they affect you. Then replace anger and other emotions with forgiveness and unconditional love. As a Reiki Master, I can guide you through the process.

How Do Chakras Affect Us?

Chakras are constantly rotating and vibrating. The activities in the chakras influence our body shape, glandular processes, and thoughts, and behavior that eventually cause chronic physical ailments. When one or more of the chakras are blocked, the energy does not flow harmoniously. if they are too open, that will result in an energy imbalance as well.

Where Do Chakras live?

There are seven main chakras located along the central line of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head. There are 21 minor chakras throughout the body. These energy centers receive, assimilate, and express life force energy and are responsible for the person’s physical, mental, and spiritual functions. Every chakra has corresponding organs in this physical system. When clients come in with specific health issues, almost immediately, I can tell which chakras are affected.

First chakra, the root chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the color red. This chakra is associated with the sense of being grounded and with having strong survival instincts. The large intestine, rectum, and some function of the kidneys are associated with the first chakra.

Second chakra, the “emotion” chakra, is located below the naval. Its color is orange and governs creativity and emotion. The reproductive system, testicles and ovaries, urinary bladder, sexuality, and the kidneys are associated and affected by imbalances.

Third chakra relates to self-esteem or desire, located at the solar plexus and is associated with the color yellow.The associated organs are the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, and the small intestine.

Fourth chakra correlates with the heart, associated with green and rose, the color of love. Emotions are of self-love, harmony, trust, and growth; the heart and arms are affected here as well.

Fifth chakra relates to the voice, located at the throat; blue in color. It governs communication and truth; lungs and the throat are affiliated.

Sixth chakra, between the two eyes, is considered the third eye; indigo blue in color. This chakra is connected with intuition, vision, and psychic vision; correlates with the brain, face, nose, and eyes.

Seventh chakra is at the crown of the head; the color of violet. This chakra is our connection to the Higher Self and to the Divine; no corresponding organ but related to the whole being.

DISCLAIMER: Chakra Balancing is not a substitute for medical care. Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should consult with the appropriate health practitioner in case of any medical condition.

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